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    9b5117b download dailymotion

    Name: 9b5117b download dailymotion
    Category: Soft
    Published: galikimul1982
    Language: English
























    Proxy Authentication Required error. How to collect a trace in Power BI Desktop. To collect a trace in Power BI Desktop , follow these steps: To determine which problem is causing your sign-in issue, the first step is to contact your administrator and provide diagnostic information so that they can determine the cause of the issue. By tracing issues associated with your sign-in problem, administrators can determine which of the following errors apply to you. Enable tracing in Power BI Desktop by going to File > Options and settings > Options and then select Diagnostics from the options in the left pane. In the pane that appears, check the box next to Enable tracing , as shown in the following image. You may be required to restart Power BI Desktop . The following exceptions in Power BI Desktop trace files are associated with this error: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalServiceException: Non-HTTPS url redirect is not supported in webview ErrorCode: non_https_redirect_failed. The following exceptions in Power BI Desktop trace files are associated with this error: Current versions of Power BI Desktop use the current version of the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL), which does not allow a redirect to non-secured (non-HTTPS) URLs. If your network uses a proxy authentication server, your administrator can fix this issue by whitelisting the following domains on the proxy authentication server: When this error occurs, the most likely reason is that a proxy authentication server on your network is blocking the web requests issued by Power BI Desktop . Navigate to the Traces folder on your local computer. You can find that folder by selecting the link in the Diagnostics where you enabled tracing, shown as Open crash dump/traces folder in the previous image. Often this is found on the local computer in the following location: Troubleshooting sign-in for Power BI Desktop. app.powerbigov.us api.powerbigov.us domains in the *.analysis.usgovcloudapi.net namespace. If the ErrorCode: non_https_redirect_failed occurs, it means that one or more redirect pages or providers in the redirect chain is not an HTTPS protected endpoint, or that a certificate issuer of one or more redirects is not among the device's trusted roots. All providers in any sign-in redirect chain must use an HTTPS URL. To resolve this issue, contact your administrator and request that secured URLs be used for their authentication sites. app.powerbi.com api.powerbi.com domains in the *.analysis.windows.net namespace. The following screen shows an example of the Proxy Authentication Required error. Non-HTTPS URL redirect not supported error. Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.PowerBIWebException HttpStatusCode: ProxyAuthenticationRequired. Then follow the steps that reproduce the error. When that occurs, Power BI Desktop adds events to the tracing log, which is kept on the local computer. There may be many trace files in that folder. Make sure you only send the recent files to your administrator to facilitate quickly identifying the error. There may be times when you attempt to sign in to Power BI Desktop but run into errors. There are two primary reasons for sign-in trouble: Proxy Authentication errors and Non-HTTPS URL redirect errors . Let's take a look at each of those issues in turn. At the end of this article is a discussion on how to capture a trace in Power BI Desktop, which can help track down troubleshooting issues. For customers who are part of a government cloud, fixing this issue can be done by whitelisting the following domains on the proxy authentication server: C:\Users/ /AppData/Local/Microsoft/Power BI Desktop/Traces.




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